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Officer Positions and Elections

​State Society

  • The officers of the society shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President.

  • They shall hold office for two years or until successors are elected.

  • They shall be active members in good standing and left to the discretion of the nominating committee with dues paid by December 31.

  • They must have previously held a chapter officer position



The President shall:

A. Preside at all meetings of this society.

B. Appoint with the approval of the Executive Board all committee chairpersons.

C. Be an ex officio member of all standing committees EXCEPT the nominating committee.

D. Perform no act which changes policy without the approval of the Executive Board or Executive Council between meetings.

E. Appoint the corresponding secretary.

F. Appoint the Parliamentarian and Historian.

G. Designate either the Vice-President or Immediate Past President as coordinator of the Education or Membership Committee.

H. Appoint a three-member auditing committee with the approval of the Executive Board at each Annual Convention to audit the Treasurer's records.

I. Perform such other duties as usually pertain to this office.

J. Be first delegate to the National Convention.

K. Be an active member in good standing.


Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall:

A. Record resolutions and proceedings of all meetings of the Society, Executive Board and Executive Council.

B. Within 10 days of such meeting shall submit a copy of the minutes to the following:

1. Advisory Board

2. Each member of the Executive Board

3. Chairperson of the Bylaws Committee

C. Keep a roster of the members of the Society.

D. Have charge of all Society ledgers and records of business conducted by this organization.

E. Be responsible for notifying in writing all members of the Executive Council or Executive Board of any called meeting ten days prior to such meeting.

F. Be first alternate to the National Convention.

G. Be an active member in good standing.

Vice President

The Vice President shall:

A. Assist the president throughout the year.

B. Assume the duties of the President in the President's absence.

C. Succeed to the office of President in the event of a vacancy in the office.

D. Be coordinator of wither the Education or Membership committee.

E. Appoint a committee of three of which he/she is the chairperson to judge the bulletin entries from the component chapters for annual contest at the Annual convention.

F. Confer with the Treasurer to ascertain the winner of the membership contests.

G. Be second delegate to the National Convention.

H. Be an active member in good standing


The Treasurer shall:

A. Collect all money due to the society.

B. Pay out money only on original bills and vouchers signed by the President.

C. Prepare an annual financial statement.

D. Be bonded to cover the amounts entrusted to his/her care with premium paid by the South Dakota Society of Medical Assistants.

E. Submit all accounts and financial records to an auditing committee at the Annual Convention.

F. Be chairperson of the Budget and Finance Committee.

G. Submit a proposed budget for the following year at each Annual House of Delegates.

H. Be second alternate to the National Convention.

I. Be an active member in good standing.

Immediate Past President

The Immediate Past President shall:

A. Serve on the Executive Board.

B. Assist any group of medical assistants qualified to organize as a Component Chapter.

C. Serve as coordinator of either the Education or Membership Committee.

D. Be third alternate to the National Convention.

E. Be an active member in good standing.

Eligibility, Nomination and Election of Officers

All officers shall be active members in good standing and state officers must have held office on a committee. The President, Vice President Secretary and Treasurer may be elected to a consecutive term for state positions.


The Nominations Committee shall present at the Annual Convention a slate in full, consisting of one and not more than three candidates for each of the following offices: Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. Upon receiving the report of the Nominations Committee, additional nominations may be made from the floor by a member of the House of Delegates. The nominating Chairman must have written consent of the candidate and the written endorsement of the nominee’s local chapter before the name is placed in nomination.


Election shall be by written ballot and a majority of the voting delegates is necessary to elect.


If after nominations from the floor of the House of Delegates, a slate in full consists of only one candidate for each of the following offices: Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer; then the Recording Secretary shall cast a written ballot to accept the slate of officers as presented.

For more information on each office available, please view our by-laws, contact your state officers.  Or contact us via e-mail today!

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